Hypnosis Training Institute of Indonesia Established in 2004, a training institute specializing in training for soft skills development in the form of application of Hypnosis. One application of psychology and hypnosis that can change someone with a fairly fast is the method Programming Mind & Heart. This method is different from teaching methods that many hard skills developed in Indonesia.

Brainwash, Brainwashing Is that true?

Brainwash, Brainwashing Is that true?

Jakarta, July 17, 2009 back in gunjang with a suspected bomb blast. The explosion which occurred in 2 (Two) famous hotels in Jakarta, JW. Marriot and Ritz Carlton. There are indications terrorists using people who have been brainwashed to do suicide bombings. Brainwash brainwashing or a conversation because it can happen to family members, neighbors, friends, relatives, people on your side and everyone.

Are there any brain washing it? Actually what is it brainwashing?

Brainwashing? It sounded pretty scary? Actually, the so-called brainwashing that there is not it? It's just a myth or is really a reality?

Before I explain further, we should first define what is called brain washing (brainwash).

Brainwash, or more commonly known as brain washing is a process that has been known since long, even before World War II. This technology is widely used by German soldiers at that time. For what? To build the spirit of the soldiers from since she was a teenager, to form a resilient mental warrior, loyal, and one soul with the bow of the Nazi party at that time. The technique used is a method which was developed scientifically by experts of psychology and the human mind, in which German experts was also conducted various experiments on the human mind (during the holocaust in germany).

All the methods used to perform brainwash the time, usually using a long enough time, to inculcate a particular program or idea in one's mind. A long time is a process so that new programs that are implanted into one's subconscious mind.

The main purpose brainwash the time was more likely to develop mental and loyalty of German soldiers.

The main method used is to include information / dogma2 in audio and visual in a long time and regularly, and be focused.

Well, how brainwash it done? Once again, an information which is emphasized and incorporated in a focused way, with audio or visual access, and is conducted continuously, capable of carrying the perception and mindset as well as one's feelings little by little. This is what we refer to as entering a value in one's subconscious.

When a strong enough value has been embedded in one's subconscious, then the value is gradually getting stronger, rooted, and permanent. This is what came to be called as a result of brainwash that, and is the main purpose do these things.

So, this technology is very dangerous? Brainwash terrible effects of this, if all people can brainwash?

All technology has the potential to become something dangerous (nuclear, dynamite, weapons, etc.), while the effect of brainwash is not always terrible. Terrible if (once again) the technology and the purpose of this brainwash misused (eg, for terrorist activities). What's interesting is, if all people can brainwash? The answer, CAN ... if the basic values of individuals in brainwash, not against the value inserted by the method of this brainwash.

That is how?

For example, I have the basic values or belief systems about the struggle. I am a person who adheres to that I can give more to the nation and state as well as religious as I live. I am an individual who put forward the struggle with my voice and mind. I do not adhere to understand that with suicide, I could be remembered and did much for the sake of the nation, state, and religion. I think that life is beautiful, and I have a lot of people I love around me. This is all so-called basic values and belief systems.

For example there is a new value that would put into my mind, a value of defending the nation, state, and religion to blow up himself, in the midst of people who are not directly guilty to me or the interests that I bring, and techniques used method of brainwash.

What happened?

What happened was there was a "battle" in my mind. Where the basic values that had previously existed, dealing with values and a new belief system, which tried implanted in my mind.

Who won?

Basic values that already exist, when it has formed over many years, is a very powerful system. When a new value to try to infiltrate my mind, the resistance provided by the old value system is very strong. Of course Barr could have value (as if) to master my mind on the surface, becomes the new value and belief system. However, when the program was to be tried in the implanted on the run (his example. To blow up themselves in the crowd), then the program would have disturbed the old values and belief systems that exist.

And then?

The new program fails to work! Value system that already exists in our subconscious mind is more powerful than the new value system, which is "instant" programmed into my mind.

So, how to make the program works as desired?

Certainly need someone who does have the basic values that do not contradict earlier.


Because basically brainwash "only" sharpen the value that has been there before, and to build courage and strength to perform an action or actions on the "value" or "trust" that has been there before.

One thing is certain, that this is a method based on a scientific basis, and can bring benefits to many people, when used for a purpose that is positive, and in accordance with the value of individu2 who need the help of this method.

Mernarik not, it turns out too much advantage of brainwash (stimulating, PD, courage, etc. to to establish a positive corporate culture, conducive and productive).

Little Brother Method Therapy

Little Brother

Do you remember a movie called Iron Man 1 and 2, which stars Jim Rhodey Rhodes as well as film, starring by Keanu Reeves, the film is Johnny Mnemonic. Story of both films depicts a person who uses sophisticated computer in the form of hologram to operate programs on the computer and seemed to enter into it by using the tool mounted on the head with a computer screen on glasses (Red. Costume welder ...). Well, the workings of both film can be applied in real life, even more sophisticated, because it does not need a computer or costumes as well as a welder, but enough with the Little Brother Method.

You must have wondered what is Little Brother? ... Sorry, you mean Little Brother here is not hip hop band from North Carolina, United States, but a method of Hypnotherapy that I developed and practiced to treat several clients who are sick because of clinical or medical even Metaphysic or Supernatural. At first, this method had no name and I only gave the name of Clinical Hypnotherapy, on the advice of Hypnotherapy's expert from HTII (Hypnosis Training Institute of Indonesia), namely Mardigu Wowiek Prasantyo, gave the name of this method as "Little Brother".

This method is actually quite simple, and it can be said scientifically, because basically this method of utilizing the human subconscious mind, so as to achieve the level of superconscious Mind. Like was mentioned by an expert in Hypnotherapist from HTII also named Kirdi Putra, said that this method is indeed connectivity or connected between the Superconscious Mind which one to another, in this case called the Superconscious Mind. Superconscious Mind is a medium or dimension in which the human subconscious mind can interact each other.

Little Brother method in Hypnotherapy can be said that it is still very new. The method can detect diseases in a person's body, as well as providing a better change. Better changing can usually be felt within a short time as well as drugs. In addition, the method of Little Brother is also capable tot detect the objects which cannot be detected by sophisticated medical equipment, as well as objects that are Metaphysics.

In logic or human reasoning, the method of Little Brother is indeed hard to believe but this method can be proven scientifically, because the results of detection with the Little Brother methods in clinical or medical field can be in accordance with the results of diagnosis. Even more than that, the method of Little Brother is able to detect the parts that are very difficult to reach by medical equipment.

To maximize the results of therapy by using the method of Little Brother, then in practice must be done by two people who working together and have an equally important role. Both people have different roles and duties to one another. The first person can be called as a director or Therapist, while a second person called a Medium.

Based on my experience, there are provisions that must be understood and carried out by two people who aim to protect both people from the things that are not desirable, as well as induction of the affected patients may result not well against the two people. Additionally, a Therapist must also be able to control the situation, if anything happens to Medium.

What are the criteria for Therapist to use Little Brother method? Therapist Little Brother method is that has the capability to understand about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, in addition has the ability to visualize as well as medium and capable of directing a medium well and properly. In addition, the Therapist must have the ability to approach a medium ability, because in certain circumstances therapist or director should be able to exchange roles with the medium as long as therapy conducted, this is because in certain moments the Medium experience difficulty.

And who's Medium?, A medium is someone with specific skills selected to serve as an intermediary to conduct therapy with the method of Little Brother. Medium could be the client/patient directly, or others who have undergone a series of tests by the therapist. Criteria to become a medium is capable visualize, concentrate hard, level of depth when hypnotized and knowledge in the field of anatomy or human health (though not absolute). However, someone who has auditory characteristic also could be a good medium, if the level of depth (trance) is high when hypnotized, can be even better. So everyone can be a medium, but the skill level of each person is different, so the result will also be different.

A good medium is the medium that is able to feel the smell, able to see in detail, able to know the condition of the patient. The advantages of this method of Little Brother can be done remotely, and can be performed without direct contact with the patient, ie without having to involve the patient, so fairly between Therapist and Medium only.

Basically every person has an ability of visualization but the everyone has different ability of visualization, this is because everyone has different in level of depth in relaxation and ability in interpreting the results significantly, for example, some mediums have the ability to see the results of visualization significantly, clear and detailed, and some Mediums the ability to see visualization results less clear and detailed, or vice versa. Even some of the medium are having ability to see the result of visualization interpreted with other objects, although they have a very high level of relaxation depth. So in this case, the role of Therapist is very important to direct and understand what actually happened.

So the ability of a medium is not only the depth when hypnotized but how to visualize and interpret the visualization and the level of concentration or focus of that medium. Like Mark Twain's quote as saying that "You cannot Depend on your eyes, if your Imagination is out of focus", that means you cannot rely on your eyes when your imagination is not the focus.

June 8, 2010
Ayi Ardisastra